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Meditating With Music-Discover The Best Meditation Sounds

Posted on November 20 2022


  • Meditation is a practice that can be used to promote relaxation, focus, and well-being. There are many different types of meditation, including mindfulness, visualization, breath awareness, and sound. There is no one right way to meditate, so it is up to you to find the best style to suit your needs.
  • Not everyone enjoys meditating in silence and finds sound brings additional benefits to their practice. The type of meditation sounds that best suits you will depend on your personal preferences and what you find most relaxing. Some people find that nature sounds or classical music help promote relaxation and focus.
  • Scientific studies have shown that sound and music can aid relaxation, but research on the direct correlation between listening to sound or music during meditation is lacking.
  • If you are new to meditation or struggle with keeping focus while meditating, using an app to meditate can be a great solution. Mesmerize is a revolutionary audiovisual meditation app created using science-backed research. It can help you improve focus, relax, practice mindfulness, and improve your mood. Download Mesmerize for a free trial today. 


You probably already have an idea of what meditation is. Perhaps you meditate already. No matter what the case, did you know there is a connection between meditation and sound? There are many different types of meditation music and sound, so knowing which are the most suitable to make the most of your experience can be tough.

The easiest way to figure out what works best for you is to experiment with different meditation sounds during your meditation practice-see what helps you focus and relax the most. There will be a bit of trial and error while you start your meditation with sounds journey, so we’re here to help.

In this article, we'll look at what we mean by meditation and some common meditation techniques that you might want to utilize. In addition, we’ll look at the science behind sound and music as an aid for meditation before giving you a meditation playlist of our recommended types of relaxing music. Let's get started!

What Is Meditation?

Most people's first impression of meditation is that it involves sitting down with your eyes closed and attempting to let your mind go blank. While this is indeed one type of meditation, there are many different ways to meditate.

At its simplest, meditation is a way to focus and connect with our inner thoughts and feelings. It allows us to step away from the constant chatter of our minds and clear our heads for a moment. In doing so, we can find stillness, peace, and relaxation.

There are many benefits associated with meditation, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, and increasing focus and concentration. 

While there are a variety of different types of meditation, they all share one common goal-to focus and connect with our inner thoughts and feelings.

The Benefits of Meditation

There are many different benefits associated with meditation. Here are some of the most well-known:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety: One of the most common reasons people meditate is to reduce stress and anxiety. In today's fast-paced world, getting caught up in our worries and fears is too easy. Meditation provides a much-needed break from this constant mental chatter and allows us to focus on the present moment.
  • Improves sleep quality: If you struggle with insomnia or other sleep problems, meditation can help. By clearing your mind and focusing on relaxation, you can ease yourself into a restful state that will help you fall asleep more easily.
  • Increases focus and concentration: If you find it difficult to concentrate on tasks or you're easily distracted, meditation can help improve your attention span. Regular meditation can train your mind to focus better on what's in front of you.
  • Reduces pain: Some people find meditation can be an effective way to reduce chronic and acute pain. By redirecting your focus away from the pain and onto something else, you can help ease the discomfort.

Other potential benefits associated with meditation include improving heart health, boosting immunity, and reducing inflammation but scientific evidence to back up these claims is ongoing. 

10 Popular Types of Meditation

There are many ways to meditate, and no one way is better than the others. The best way to find what works for you is to experiment with different techniques and see what feels best.

Here are ten popular meditation techniques you can try:

  1. Mindfulness meditation: Perhaps one of the most popular types of meditation, it involves focusing on your breath and being aware of your thoughts and surroundings.
  1. Body scan or progressive relaxation: This meditation involves scanning your body from head to toe, noticing any tension or tightness you're feeling. Once you've identified an area of tension, focus on relaxing that muscle group.
  1. Guided meditation: Guided meditation involves following along with a recorded voice that guides you through the meditation. This can be an excellent option for beginners looking for guidance.
  1. Loving-kindness meditation: This type of meditation focuses on positive, loving thoughts towards yourself and others. It's a great way to cultivate feelings of compassion and kindness.
  1. Breath awareness: As the name suggests, this meditation involves focusing on your breath and noticing the sensation of each inhale and exhale.
  1. Visualization: This meditation involves picturing a peaceful scene in your mind, such as a beach or a meadow. Focus on the details of the location and allow yourself to relax in it.
  1. Transcendental meditation: This type of meditation focuses on a mantra, word, or phrase you repeat to yourself. The mantra is meant to help you focus and quiet your mind.
  1. Chakra meditation: This meditation focuses on your body's seven chakras or energy centers. Start at the root chakra and work your way up to the crown chakra. As you focus on each chakra, notice any feelings or sensations you experience.
  1. Walking meditation: Walking meditation is a great way to exercise while you meditate. Focus on your breath and the sensation of your feet hitting the ground as you walk.
  1. Sound meditation: This focuses on a specific sound, such as a mantra or different types of meditation music. Notice the sound and how it makes you feel. Allow the sound to wash over you and bring you into a state of relaxation.

The Science Behind Meditating With Music and Sound

Medical studies have repeatedly shown the various benefits to our health from meditating regularly. Not only does it relieve stress in the short term, but over time it changes the structure of our brains for the better. According to research, those who meditate for long periods have increased grey matter (the outer layer of the brain and a major component of our central nervous system). An increased level suggests they may have improved cognition, emotion, and self-awareness.

One clinical trial discovered that those who practiced meditation had lower anxiety levels than a control group receiving stress management. Another trial, this time from the American Family Physician journal, showed that mindfulness-based meditation techniques could improve the symptoms of depression.

But what are the scientifically proven advantages of meditating with music?

First, we need to look at psychoacoustics (a branch of science that deals with the perception of sound and how it affects an experience). Certain types of music have been medically proven to improve sleep quality, and psychoacoustic principles have been applied to numerous sleep aids, including our own Pzizz app. Unlike other types of music, these sounds have been crafted specifically to give the listener the best chance at relaxation by providing multiple levels of sensory engagement.

The Pzizz app has been developed using scientifically backed technology which has been proven to induce deep relaxation. Using the focus module in the app can help create an environment of sounds to get you into a meditative state.

Many people believe that meditating with music enhances the benefits of meditation. Unfortunately, very little formal research exists to support the claim. Most medical research focuses on mindfulness meditation, which is considered best practiced in a setting free of music or other external stimuli.

As relaxing music has been associated with reducing anxiety and improving sleep, meditating with music may be a valuable aid. Yet, we should note that this all depends on what you wish to achieve from your session. Adding music might not be wise if you’re aiming to increase focus or be mindful. However, if you aim to relax, fall asleep, or reduce stress and anxiety, then playing calm music in the background may help you reach your goal.

Does Meditation Music Work?

As touched upon above, research has shown that sound and music can profoundly affect our emotions, mood, and stress levels. For example, one study found that relaxing music helped to reduce blood pressure and heart rate in people with hypertension.

Another study looked at the effects of music on anxiety levels in patients undergoing surgery. The results showed that patients who listened to music before surgery had lower anxiety levels than those who didn't listen to music.

So, it's no surprise that sound and music may also be helpful in meditation. Many people find that adding some ambient noise or relaxation sounds to their practice can help them to focus and feel more relaxed.

The Different Types of Meditation Music

There are many types of meditation music to choose from. Some people prefer instrumental music, while others prefer nature sounds or even white noise.

Here are a few popular options:

Classical music: Studies have shown that classical music can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. It can also help promote sleep. Classical might be the way to go if you're looking for calm, relaxing meditation music.

Nature sounds: Listening to the sounds of nature has been shown to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. Nature sounds might be the right choice if you want to connect with your surroundings and feel more grounded.

White noise: White noise can help block out distractions and promote focus. White noise might be a good option if you find it difficult to meditate in silence.

Binaural beats: Binaural beats are sounds created when two different tones are played simultaneously. These tones help to encourage a state of relaxation by stimulating the brainwaves. Binaural beats might be the right choice if you want a more immersive experience.

Chakra healing music: Chakra healing music is specifically designed to balance the seven chakras, or energy centers, in the body. This type of music can help promote relaxation and restore balance.

Guided meditations: Guided meditations are a great option if you're new to meditation. These meditations typically involve a narrator guiding you through the practice. A guided meditation might be suitable if you seek guidance and direction. Guided meditation can also be something you attend in person at local classes if you want something more personal and interactive than what you find online.

Sacred chants and mantras: Chants and mantras have been used for centuries to connect with the divine. These sacred sounds can be incredibly powerful and help to promote peace and calm.

Ambient sounds: Ambient sounds are any sounds that create a sense of atmosphere or immersion and are amongst the best meditation sounds. This could include the sound of rain, thunder, waves, or even crickets chirping. Ambient sounds might be the right choice to create a more relaxing environment.

Tibetan singing bowls: Tibetan singing bowls are musical instruments played by striking the bowl with a mallet. The resulting sound is said to promote relaxation and well-being. If you're looking for a unique meditation experience, then Tibetan singing bowls might be the right choice for you.

Solfeggio frequencies: Solfeggio frequencies are a type of sound believed to promote healing and balance. These frequencies are typically used in meditation and relaxation practices. If you're looking for a more holistic approach to meditation, solfeggio frequencies might be the right choice.

No matter what type of meditation music you choose, the important thing is that it helps you to focus and feel more relaxed.

The Best Way to Meditate with Music

As you may know meditation isn’t easy, especially if you’re a beginner. Plus, there are a lot of decisions you need to make before you can begin. What type of meditation are you going to use? What sounds should you try for meditation? Where to find meditation sounds? Oftentimes, people struggle with finding answers to these questions, which leads them to giving up on the idea of meditation altogether or having a bad experience with the practice. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Mesmerize is a powerful meditation app that uses science-backed techniques to help you relax and find inner peace. With Mesmerize, you don’t need to do hours or research looking for the perfect meditation music-all you need to do is download the app and start meditating. Plus, the app combines both acoustical and visual meditation techniques to make the experience even more powerful and immersive. Download Mesmerize now to try the free trial!

How to Choose the Right Meditation Playlist

There is no wrong way to meditate. However, some people find it helpful to use music or sound to focus and relax. If you're interested in using music for meditation, here are a few points to remember when creating your meditation playlist:

  • Consider what type of music or sound you find most relaxing. Some people prefer the sound of nature, while others find classical music more calming. Experiment with different types of music and see what works best for your meditation playlist.
  • Think about the length of the piece of music. If you're looking to use music to relax, you'll want to choose a piece that is at least ten minutes long. This will give you enough time to relax and let go of distractions.
  • Consider the tempo of the piece. Again, there is no right or wrong answer here. However, slower pieces of music are typically more relaxing than faster ones.
  • Choose a piece of music for your meditation playlist that you enjoy listening to. The best meditation sounds are meant to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience. If you don't enjoy the music you're listening to, then it's unlikely that you'll find it helpful for meditation.

There are many different types of meditation music out there. By keeping these things in mind, you can ensure that you choose the right kind of music for your needs.

How To Get Started With Meditation

If you're new to meditation, you may wonder how to start. Here are our top five tips for beginners:

  1. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. You may want to use a meditation cushion or blanket to make yourself more comfortable.
  1. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus on your breath and let go of any other thoughts running through your mind.
  1. Start by listening to some calming music or nature sounds. See if you can focus on the sound and let it guide your meditation practice.
  1. Once you're feeling more relaxed, you can experiment with other types of meditation. For example, you may want to try a guided meditation or focus on your breath.
  1. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to meditate. Just go with what feels suitable for you and be patient with yourself. With regular practice, you'll start to notice the benefits that meditation has to offer.


There is no one answer to what the best meditation sounds are. It depends on your personal preferences and what you find most relaxing. However, some people find that nature sounds or classical music help promote relaxation and focus, while others may be inclined toward traditional mantras. Swap out different types of music and see what helps you relax most. With regular practice, you'll start to notice the benefits that meditation has to offer.


How long should I meditate?

Some people meditate for just a few minutes, while others may meditate for an hour or more. It depends on what works for your needs. If you're just starting out on your mediation journey, you’ll probably want to start with a short session of just a few minutes and gradually increase the time you meditate as you become more comfortable.

What is the best time of day to meditate?

The best time of day to meditate is whenever you can fit it into your schedule. It may be helpful to start with just a few minutes in the morning or evening. As you become more comfortable with the practice, you can increase the length of time and frequency you meditate.

Is meditating with music or relaxing sounds helpful?

Relaxing sounds can be helpful when meditating, but it's important to note that this depends on your goal. Some people prefer complete silence if they're looking to focus their thoughts. In contrast, others find that gentle background music or nature sounds help them to relax. Experiment with different sounds and see what works best for you.
