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woman asleep head resting on the the table on a moving train


Why We Can't Sleep and What To Do About It

Clinically tested techniques to improve your sleep

Image for the scientific case for focused attention meditation


The Scientific Case for “Focused-Attention Meditation”

Not all forms of meditation are created equal.

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Soaring Melodies

Scientifically Tested Music Helps You Rise Above Stressful Events

Image for how music can help you focus and get work done


How Music Can Help You Focus and Get Work Done

The science behind “focus” music

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How Sleep Works

What you need to know about your sleep cycle...

Image for music helps clinical insomniacs


Music Helps Clinical Insomniacs

Music improves sleep quality according to self-reports of people with chronic insomnia. Additionally, music decreased time in Stage 2 and increased REM sleep.

Image for better sleep can improve postpartum depression for new mothers


Better Sleep Can Improve Postpartum Depression for New Mothers

That’s why we’re giving new parents six months of free ‘Pzizz Pro’

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Music Can Help You stay Asleep

An example of a person sleeping soundly while listening to Pzizz in bed


Pzizz is Clinically Proven to Help You Sleep

Academic researchers find Pzizz more effective at improving sleep quality than traditional relaxation music

x-ray image of a person's head, to signify the science behind Pzizz


The Science Behind Pzizz

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How to Find Quality Research

A researcher’s shortcuts for distinguishing science from psuedoscience.

vinyl record


Music Improves Sleep

Image for how your lack of sleep is killing you


How Your (lack of) Sleep is Killing You

And what to do about it

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Hypnosis Can Increase Deep Sleep

Controlled and blinded experiments using EEG show increase in deep sleep in suggestible women after listening to specific hypnotic suggestions

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Progressive and Hypnotic Relaxation Can Help You Fall Asleep Faster

Controlled Investigation of Progressive and Hypnotic Relaxation on Insomnia shows statistically significant impact in falling asleep faster

Image for music decreases work stress


Music Decreases Work Stress