Soundly is music with a purpose. Music beyond entertainment.
Sounds and stories designed to help you achieve better sleep, focus, relaxation, meditation, and more.
More and more, people are using music in very specific ways: to help pump themselves up at the gym, to focus at work, and even get better sleep.
This new genre of music — “Functional Music” — is quietly soaring in digital popularity. You can find it dispersed across Spotify playlists, Youtube videos, popular meditation apps — it’s all over the place.
And frankly, it’s been all over the place for thousands of years. Chain gang work songs, the rain dance, religious worship, battle hymns; purposeful music has nearly always been a part of human culture in one way or another.
But over time we’re getting better at understanding how music can influence our bodies and minds. There’s been a big uptick in research and development over the past few decades in how to use audio to optimally influence a person’s physiology. These more recent understandings continue moving functional music to entirely new levels and help us shape Soundly to be incredibly effective.
For years we’ve been pushing the boundaries of functional music with Pzizz, our app that helps people beat their insomnia and get great sleep.
We write pretty extensively about the Science behind Pzizz, and spend an enormous amount of time turning research into reality.
Our formula has proven pretty successful for Pzizz. But sleep isn’t the only area functional music can help with. And that’s why we’re introducing Soundly.
While Pzizz will continue to be sleep focused, Soundly will expand into a variety of areas including relaxation, meditation, focus, anxiety, stress reduction and a whole lot more.
A huge library of sounds, stories, music and meditations built from the ground up by our own expert research and audio teams.
Easily choose your perfect combination of sounds, stories, volumes, and narrators.
Create your perfect list of audio mixes with individual timers or alarms. Mixes will transition smoothly one after another with seamless crossfades.
Carefully crafted audio mixes for sleep, focus, meditation, relaxation, stress reduction, anxiety relief, breathing and more.
Easily mix your own sounds and stories for a truly personalized experience.
Deep Siri Shortcuts integration. Launch a mix, playlist, random favorite, or random “Instant” category from Siri Shortcuts (even when your phone is locked!).
Share the mixes you create with friends and family.
Allow Soundly to play simultaneously with other apps. A perfect accompaniment for all sorts of Spotify songs or Youtube videos.
Track your “in bed” time or “mindful minutes” from listening to your favorite Soundly mixes
Set custom reminders to build your self care habits.
Choose between light and dark, or make it automatic.
No ads, no marketing emails, no logins or passwords, no accounts, no crazy permissions. In the age of information intrusion, Soundly is specifically designed to leave you alone.
Want a more in depth look into Soundly’s features? Read this: 31 Awesome Features of Soundly.
Yes. Download Soundly and tap the “Restore” button during onboarding. Then choose to login with your Pzizz account. At the moment Soundly is only available for iOS.
The future is incredibly exciting for both Pzizz and Soundly.
A big thank you goes out to our amazing community of pzizzers all around the world for your dedication to helping us bring these experiences to life.
Your continued support makes this work possible, and Soundly is just the latest development of many to come as we continue to say thank you for your appreciation.
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