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Rain Background Noise

Create the perfect background sounds using 1000+ ambient rain noises.

Sound Machine for iOS creates rain background audio for sleeping, relaxing, studying, and working.

Posted on February 05 2021

Rain background sounds are the perfect audio for working, sleeping, and relaxing. Something about the ambient pitter patter of rain drops is calming, but also helpful for keeping focused.

Sound Machine lets you craft your own dynamic mix of ambient rain noise using hundreds of nature and rain sounds, stories, meditations, and background music. Our professionally-curated rain sounds are created to loop on top of each other, creating endless rainy patterns that never repeat, never get old, and are never too noisy.

Creating your own rain background sounds is simple and only takes a few moments. Just select what nature and rain noises you want, adjust their audio volumes, and fall asleep fast. You can save your rain mix for use another night and even send it to friends or family, too. Plus, if your rain background sounds need a little editing, you can change them on the fly by adding or removing rain noises and adjusting their audio volumes.

Sound Machine’s Rain Background Sounds Will Help You Sleep, Study, Focus, and Relax

  • World Class Rain Background Noises, Music, Stories, and Meditations — A huge library of content built from the ground up by our own expert research and audio teams.
  • Customize Everything — Easily choose your perfect combination of ambient rain sounds, stories, volumes, and narrators.
  • Privacy Focused — No ads, no marketing emails, no logins or passwords, no accounts, no crazy permissions.
  • Tons of Features — Playlists, Sharing, Siri Shortcuts, a Healthkit Dashboard, Reminders, Simultaneous Playback with other apps, and more!

Try this Rain Background Noise To Study/Relax To mix for FREE or create a custom rain background noise perfect for you!

Then check out these other great mixes: